The 8th Annual Women Veterans Week within the Commonwealth is fast approaching. During the third week of Women’s History Month, we to honor and recognize the contributions of the brave and dedicated women who have worn the uniforms of our armed forces.

Virginia is proudly home to more than 110,000 Women Veterans – the largest number of Women Veterans per population size of any state. They are employed in many different occupations throughout the state, including hundreds who are employed in our state government agencies.

On Thursday, March 20, 2025, commencing at 10:00 a.m., the Virginia Department of Veterans Services will host a special Women Veterans Week Ceremony and Luncheon at the Virginia War Memorial at 621 South Belvidere Street in downtown Richmond. We are hoping to have many Women Veterans in attendance.

I invite you to attend and ask that you encourage the Women Veterans within your network or organization to join us. There is no charge to attend the ceremony or lunch, but the number of lunch participants is capped at 100 – RSVP is required. There are two options for attending:

Ceremony Only (open to all): to attend only the Ceremony, please RSVP using the Ceremony link here.

Ceremony & Luncheon (capped at 100 – women veterans only, please): to attend both the Ceremony and the Luncheon, please RSVP using the Ceremony and Luncheon link here (this link will indicate attendance for both events).

There is ample free parking at the Virginia War Memorial, which is easily accessible from the entire Richmond area. If there are any questions, please contact Kay Currie, Virginia Women Veterans Liaison, at

Thank you for your consideration and thank you for supporting our Virginia veterans.