Virginia Values VeteransAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

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About The Program


Virginia has a unique opportunity to help Veterans gain career employment. Our Commonwealth has one of the youngest Veterans population in the United States, and the fastest growing Veteran labor force in the United States. Thousands of new Veterans enter Virginia’s workforce each year, and that number is projected to rise in the coming years.

While many employers are unaware of the value Veterans can bring to their workforce, thousands more are seeking to hire Veterans as a part of their workforce but don’t know how.

Two of the most frequent questions pertaining to Veteran employment, from an employer’s perspective are, “Why should I hire a Veteran?” and “Where can I find Veterans to hire?”

The Virginia Values Veterans V3 Program helps employers develop and implement successful, long-term strategies to recruit, hire, and retain Virginia Veterans. Hiring Veterans is not only the right thing to do but also a smart business decision. The knowledge and abilities today’s service members and Veterans gain in our modern military make them an extremely valuable talent pool for companies that wish to grow and improve organizational performance.

The first V3 Conference was held in Richmond, VA on June 12, 2012, where 63 employers representing over 50 companies came to hear about a new opportunity to connect their companies with a highly-skilled, well-educated, and easily-trained leadership talent pool: Virginia’s Veterans. Hailed by the governor as an Economic Development Initiative rather than a jobs-program, the Department of Veterans Services engaged in this venture with a firm confidence that hiring Veterans is not just the right thing to do; understanding who Veterans are and hiring them will allow businesses to increase the productivity and efficiency of their workforce.

V3 gives you what you need most right now—connections to this highly skilled, well-educated, and easily trained leadership workforce with experience in a vast array of fields such as:
•Skilled Trades
•Information Technology/Cybersecurity

The V3 Program is divided into four regions for member organizations- West Region, Central Region, North Region and East Region. Each region is supported by a V3 Employer Liaison.

For inquiries concerning enrollment, certification, or re-certification, please contact the appropriate V3 Employer Liaison. Learn more about the V3 Team here.

The Virginia Values Veterans Program is a free training and certification program for employers to help them implement nationally recognized best practices in recruiting, hiring, and retaining highly-skilled and dependable Veterans.

The V3 Program is an official Commonwealth of Virginia Program, authorized under the Code of Virginia (§ 2.2-2001.2). It is organized under the directorate of Veterans Education, Training, and Employment (VETE), within the Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS), an agency of the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs.


Veteran with Children Hug

Authority and Mandate

The Code of Virginia (§ 2.2-2001.2) mandates the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) to:

develop a comprehensive program to reduce unemployment among veterans by assisting businesses to attract, hire, train, and retain veterans. Such program shall promote strategies for connecting employers to qualified veterans and include (i) a workforce assessment and training program for participating employers and (ii) a certification process for participating employers with the objective of setting measurable goals for hiring and retaining veterans.

How it Works

Step 1:


To begin, submit an Online Application via the link below. We will assign a regional manager to assist with V3 certification. Enrollment, Training, and Certification are FREE.

Step 2:


The V3 Team conducts online training seminars to help enrolled V3 companies complete the training requirements for state certification.

Step 3:


After certification, your company is listed in our “Certified Companies” page. After being certified you can also apply for the V3 Grant for qualified Veterans employed by your company/agency.

Ready To Enroll?

Enroll Now