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Hiring Virginia’s Military Spouses and Dependents

Hiring Virginia’s Military Spouses and Dependents

One in twelve Virginians is a veteran. The Commonwealth of Virginia has the second largest active-duty population (approximately 130,000 active-duty personnel) within the United States. Additionally, Virginia has the second largest percentage of veterans under the age of 39. The Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Program works alongside organizations with the aim to make the Commonwealth the #1 state for veterans to stay, work and thrive. In order to accomplish this goal, the V3 Program has invested in resources to provide transition, training and employment support to military spouses and military dependents.

The V3 Program has entered into an official partnership with the US Chamber Foundation to connect V3 Certified Organizations with military spouse job seekers. V3 Organizations have access to establish Military Spouse Fellowship Programs, participate in a Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot (MSCAP) and/or join a Military Spouse Economic Employment Zone (MSSEZ). Virginia is one of only six states named by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as a statewide Military Spouse Economic Empowerment Zones.

V3 Certified Organizations can earn special designation as a Military Spouse-Friendly Employer by attending a supplemental training. This designation will provide organizations with exclusive access to military spouse talent, tools and unique engagement opportunities.

Click here to contact your assigned V3 Employer Liaison to learn more about how to earn this designation as an organization.

Military spouses can click here to submit a request for service. A V3 Military Spouse Resource Coordinator will contact you to provide support and resources.

Military dependent can click here to submit a request for service. A V3 Military Spouse Resource Coordinator will contact you to provide support and resources..

Get Connected:

The V3 Transition Connection is a biweekly distribution of job postings from V3 Certified Organizations seeking to hire veterans and spouses. Each posting will host a unique set of job openings for all levels of occupations all across the Commonwealth. The newsletter also includes upcoming events, programs, and other valuable information. In order to join the subscription list, click here.


Additional Employment Pathways:

The V3 Military Medics and Corpsmen (MMAC) Program advocates for Military Spouses looking to start or continue a career in Virginia’s healthcare system. Through the military Spouse Healthcare Professionals Path, connects military spouse job seekers with MMAC Partner Healthcare Systems The MMAC team is an employment resource, a source of credentialing information, you up for success and potential employment. Contact a V3 Military Spouse Resource Coordinator to learn more and connect with MMAC.


Legislative Highlights:

In 2021, the Virginia General Assembly created the first Virginia Military Spouse Liaison position under the Virginia Department of Veterans Services (VDVS). The Virginia Military Spouse Liaison serves as the commonwealth’s military spouse advocate. The liaison conducts outreach and provides advocacy for military spouses and their families.  The liaison also works with key stakeholders within federal, state, local government, military installations, and the private sector to develop and implement a resource system to provide access to licensure reciprocity, employment, benefits, and community resources.

Click here to view a list of legislative highlights



Family Resources:

Virginia Veteran and Family Support Program (VVFS) is operated statewide by the Virginia Department of Veterans Services and provides outreach, connection and support to veterans and their families as they address the challenges of military service, transition, deployments, post traumatic stress or other behavioral health concerns as well as traumatic brain injuries and physical injuries. Contact a V3 Military Spouse Resource Coordinator to learn more and connect with VVFS.


Education Support:

The Military Education & Workforce Initiative (MEWI) Laptop Initiative provides military spouses attending Reynolds Community College or Brightpoint Community College with a FREE laptop.

  1. Complete Technology Assistance Application
  2. Provide Proof of Service/Marriage (Spouses)

Applications are reviewed, approved and distributed on a first come-first serve basis until all laptops are distributed. *The Veteran & Spouse Technology Initiative by the Military Education and Workforce Initiative (MEWI) is sponsored by Altria.


The Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP) provides education benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who have been rated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as totally and permanently disabled or at least 90 percent permanently disabled as a result of military service. Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, or the Virginia National Guard. Click here for information on how to apply.

How it Works

Step 1:


To begin, submit an Online Application via the link below. A member of the V3 team will provide assistance with training, and earning V3 certification for FREE.

Step 2:


The V3 Team puts on regular V3 employer training seminars throughout the state, as well as conducts online training seminars to help enrolled V3 organizations complete the training requirements for state certification.

Step 3:


After certification, your organization is listed in our “Certified Companies” page. After being certified you may be eligible to apply for the V3 Grant for qualified Veterans employed by your company/agency or participate in membership perks.

Ready To Enroll?

Enroll Now