Virginia Values VeteransAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

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  • I'd like to join, but I cannot commit to hiring anyone over the next year. Can I still join the program?

    • Yes, companies are not explicitly required to make a commitment to hire a Veteran in order to obtain certification.

  • How is the V3 Program Funded?

    • The V3 Program is mostly funded through general funds appropriated by the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is also in part funded through non-general funds donated by interested parties through the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation.

  • I have openings I'd like to fill immediately, and don't have time to wait for official certification. What can I do?

    • The V3 Program helps companies implement long-term Veteran-hiring strategies and best practices. If you have immediate or hiring needs that you would like to fill with Veterans, please consider contacting the V3 Transition Program. V3 Transition works with military installations and transitioning service members to connect them with employment opportunities in the Commonwealth. To learn more visit: 

      Note: V3 certified employers get priority as it relates to workflow, so we highly encourage your organization to become V3 certified


  • How long does it take to become V3 Certified?

    • After enrollment, companies have up to 1 year to complete all the training requirements. Typically, companies have completed this training in about 2-3 months; however, it is possible to complete in less time. Most training requirements are presented both at in-person training and online training (webinar) formats every month.

  • How much does it cost to become V3 Certified?

    • $0. All services offered through the V3 Program — including the application, enrollment, training, certification, and recertification can be obtained at no cost to the employer.

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