Jennifer Hodges is the V3 Employer Liaison for Southwest Virginia. A Virginia native, Jennifer lives in Botetourt County with her husband Tommy, youngest son Noah, two dogs, two cats and all the wildlife that visit her home for treats.

Prior to joining the V3 Team, Jennifer spent a little over 14 years working in the Workforce Development programs in the Roanoke Valley. She started working with youth in the Workforce Investment Act Program (WIA). She advanced into a leadership role where she oversaw the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act Program (WIOA) for the Roanoke Valley and Lynchburg. When the chance to work with the Health Profession Opportunity Grant (HPOG) came along, she took leadership roles with that program and assisted individuals in reaching their dreams of obtaining healthcare certificates and licensures to start their careers in the healthcare industry.

Jennifer is excited to be working with employers in Southwest Virginia to expand opportunities for veterans and their families.

(540) 200-9090