Air Permit Writer: Learn how your military experience translates into a rewarding civilian career.
Gain familiarity with Virginia State Government and Environmental Work. Provide permitting support for the DEQ’s New Source Review and Title V Programs while providing support to the Air Compliance section of the DEQ. Understanding and applying Clean Air Act and the Air Pollution Control Law of Virginia. This position will review permit applications for regulatory applicability and draft appropriate air emissions permits preparing all necessary documents in a timely manner. Technical, regulatory and procedural accuracy Employing appropriate engineering practices and calculations. Pollution control considerations. Regulatory standards
Where applicable, consideration of pollution prevention approaches. Provide technical and administrative support to DEQ personnel and the public.
Water Monitor: DEQ staff in each of the regional offices collect water samples at more than 1,000 locations across the Commonwealth. These water samples are shipped to a state laboratory for chemical and bacterial tests. The samples are tested for a wide range of substances, including nutrients, solids, bacteria associated with human and animal wastes, toxic metals, some pesticides and harmful organic compounds. In addition, DEQ scientists perform on-the-spot field tests for dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity and additional indications of water quality. Samples from the mud at the bottom of lakes and rivers are tested for the presence of pesticides and other harmful compounds. DEQ scientists also sample and identify benthic macroinvertebrates (animals that lack backbones and live on the bottom) as indicators of water and habitat quality.