Training Program Information:
Wage Progression Scale
The beginning wage must be at 50% of wage for a fully trained employee. At the last full month of training, the wage must be at least 85% of wage for a fully trained employee.
Training Documentation:
List the various operations or task to be learned with a brief narrative description and the length of time devoted to each. Click
here to download an Sample Work Processes.
*Required for Apprenticeship Applications.
Submission Documents:
here to download Form 22-8794.
Required Consent & Acknowledgement:
The establishment hereby assures the SAA that records will be kept showing the progress of the veteran toward the job objective and that additional information (time cards, payroll, related instruction) as may be needed by the Virginia State Approving Agency or the Department of Veterans Affairs will be furnished by its duly authorized representative upon request.
Credit will be given for previous training and experience, and the length of the training program will be reduced proportionately. Trainees granted credit for previous training and experience will be placed into the appropriate step of the wage progression scale.
The establishment assures the Virginia State Approving Agency, the trainee is not already qualified for the job due to prior training and experience.
26. The establishment hereby assures the SAA that the wages paid to the veteran upon entrance into training are not less than wages paid to non-veterans in the same training position, are at least 50% of the wages paid for the job for which the veteran is to be trained, wages will increase in regular periodic increments, and they will be at least 85% of the wages paid for the job for which the veteran is being trained not later than the last full month of the scheduled training period.
27. The establishment hereby assures the SAA that there is reasonable certainty that the job for which the veteran is to be trained will be available to him at the end of the training period and that the veteran will be given credit for previous education and training, thereby shortening the length of the veterans training program.
28. The information on this application/agreement is true and correct and each veteran will be provided a copy of page one (Training Agreement) and Breakdown of Work Processes.
28. The information on this application/agreement is true and correct and each veteran will be provided a copy of page one (Training Agreement) and Breakdown of Work Processes.
I hereby attest that it is the policy of this institution that the administration and personnel maintain a good reputation and character. Faculty and staff will treat veteran students with dignity and respect. Neither the institution nor its staff will participate in any schemes that target veterans for financial gain. Additionally, the institution and its staff will follow all rules and regulations of the local, state, and federal laws. The SCO will notify the Virginia SAA immediately if the institution, or any of its employees, comes under investigation for violations of the law.
Advertising Statement: If you advertise approval, this is the approved statement for websites and publications. "This institution is approved to offer GI Bill® educational benefits by the Virginia State Approving Agency."
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): This statement should be used in facilities serving in an education role, but are employers. Additionally, the USERRA statement should be included in your orientation and given to all employees upon employment. The facility will adhere to all protocols of the USERRA
38 U.S.C. 3690 (c); 38 CFR 21.4209
The Buckley Amendment (Public Law 93-80) requires that institutions receiving Federal funds administered by the Department of Education must obtain the student's consent to release information from school records. However, one exception to the law is that information sought in connection with a student's Application for receipt of financial aid is exempt. It has been determined that school records relating to VA benefits fall into the "financial aid" category and are therefore exempt from the Buckley amendment provisions. Therefore, the VA (and SAA) shall have access to the records of VA beneficiaries and non-VA students without the student's written consent to monitor the training establishment's compliance.
Required Documents: