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V3 Military Spouses

V3 Military Spouses








Spouse Resources

Virginia Military Survivors & Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP).

VMSDEP is a Commonwealth of Virginia Program which provides education benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who became totally and permanently disabled or at least 90 percent permanently disabled as a result of military service in covered military combat. Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, or the Virginia National Guard. Armed conflict includes military operations against terrorism or as the result of a terrorist act, a peace-keeping mission, or any armed conflict after December 6, 1941. Contact VMSDEP

Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Transition Program (V3 Transition).

V3 Transition offers transitioning service members and their spouses the best Virginia has to offer. By providing peer-to-peer support through the transition process, V3 Transition works alongside the transitioning service member or spouse to make referrals that address specific needs. The referral services could include, but is not limited to resume review, introduction to the Virginia Labor Market index, connection with the Virginia Values Veterans (V3) certified companies for employment, and other DVS programs as applicable. The V3 Transition core areas of focus are those seeking employment, education, and entrepreneurship, but we will also assist those with needs outside of those three core areas. We make a commitment to customer service, and always ensure that referrals are completed with follow up from the V3 Transition staff. Contact V3 Transition

Virginia Veteran and Family Support (VVFS)

The Virginia Veteran & Family Support Program (VVFS) is operated statewide by the Virginia Department  of Veterans Services and provides outreach, connection and support to veterans and their families as they address the challenges of military service, transition, deployments, post traumatic stress or other behavioral health concerns as well as traumatic brain injuries and physical injuries. Contact VVFS.

VVFS Resources can be found online by clicking here.

VVFS Military Spouse resources can be found online by clicking here.


Virginia Department of Veterans Benefits Office

Eligibility for most federal and state benefits is based on discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions. Active service means full-time service as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or as a commissioned officer of the public health service, the Environmental Services Administration, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Current and former members of the Selected Reserve may be eligible for certain benefits, such as home loan guaranties and education, if they meet time-in-service and other criteria. Men and women veterans with similar service are entitled to the same federal and state veterans benefits.

The eligibility policy is set by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. To determine potential eligibility for such benefits click here.

The Virginia Department of Veterans Services advocates for Virginia veterans and connects them to earned benefits and services they have earned. Information on current federal, state and local veterans’ programs, entitlements and referral services is available in Virginia through a network of 31 benefit service offices. All services are provided free of charge. Contact Benefits.

To view the DVS benefits brochure click here.

To View the DVS benefits video click here.


Employer Resources

V3 Certified Employers can submit Military Spouse Hiring Reports online by clicking here.

Share a brief story about how your company overcame obstacles to support a Military Spouse employee or hire. Share any aspect of your company’s recruiting, hiring, training, or re-training process that made your success possible.

In October 2018, there were over 630,000 military spouses in the United States. Compared to civilians, military spouses are 10 times more likely to have moved to a new state in the last year. For those who work in licensed occupations it can be time-consuming and costly to obtain licensure in a new state. In recent years, most states have passed laws creating streamlined license recognition options for military spouses.

The U.S. Department of Labor has created resources to help military spouses, American Job Centers, and state licensing agencies understand and take advantage of these laws. Check out the resources below to learn how your organization can support military spouses in licensed occupations. – Workforce GPS

To learn more about Military Spouse License Recognition Resources visit Workforce GPS

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